A Fish Design is opening up a new shop at GoDigitalScrapbooking on March 1!! Here is a note from LilyAnn about her opening! Stop on by and get a great deal with her big sale!
LilyAnn from A Fish Design...
First let me say how excited I am to have my Grand Opening Sale at goDigitalScrapbooking! I've been working on lots of new ideas and have a sketch book of templates I'd like to design. I do have a couple of ideas for kits as well, but I'm in the template mood for the last couple of months. I also will be mailing my first newsletter sometime the first week of March so if you didn't sign up yet and don't want to miss the free template that will be included you only have a couple of days left to signup.
I'm still looking for one or two more CT members so if you are interested let me know.
Now on to the good stuff.
1- From March 1st through March 15th everything in my store will be on sale for 50% off.
2- For every layout added to my gallery between March 1st and March 15th, you'll get $1 coupon to my store for a maximum of $3.
3- I'll be giving out RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) in the gallery and on my Facebook page though out the 2 week period.
4- I'll be giving flash coupons (limited time coupons) on my Facebook page.
There is a free template on my blog (http://afishdesign.blogspot.com) if you're interested.